Prof. Silvano U. Tramonte is more than a world renowned implantologist, he is also a scientist who has dedicated mind and hands to immediate loading implantology since a teenager. Son of Prof. Stefano Tramonte, inventor of the screw named after him, he has seen the birth of the Italian implantology school, has practised making wax models for the casting of the CrCoMo screws his father designed and used in his clinical practice. He has acquired experience from his father, refined his techniques and developed his ideas. By combining the theoretical and scientific approach with his office practice, he has achieved a surgical and prosthetic experience which is probably unique in the world. Over time, Prof. Silvano U. Tramonte has traced the lines of immediate loading implantology by inventing the "S implant" an implant placed in a side bracket configuration, which offers a solution for the atrophic mandible. He has invented and codified a new implantology concept, the Bioimplantology, perfected the Tramonte Surgical Protocol and established the Italian Implantology School Protocol.
Prof. Tramonte is:
- A Professor of the Master Implantology Course, University of Pisa. Italy.
- A member of the International Congress of Oral Implantologists (ICOI).
- A member of The Implant Prostodonthic Section of the ICOI.
- A founding member of the Accademia Iberoamericana d'Implantologia Orale (AIIO) (Latin American Academy of Oral Implantology).
- Former Director for Europe of Accademia Iberoamericana d'Implantologia Orale (AIIO)
- Honorary Member of the Fundacion Medico Implantodontologica Argentina (FUNDAMIA) (Argentinian Medical-Oral-Implantological Foundation).
- Honorary Member of the Sociedad Peruana de Implantologia Estomatologica (SPIE) (Peruvian Society of Oral Implantology)
- Consulting professor of Implanto-odontostomatology of the Istituto Universitario (University Institute) "Dr. Pierre Fauchard".
- Visiting professor at Universidad de las Islas Baleares (UIB) (University of the Balearic Islands)
- Founding member and President for Italy of the Accademia Internazionale d'Implantologia e Parodontologia (AIIP) (National Academy of Implantology and Paradontology).
- Regional Director for Italy of the Accademia Iberoamericana di Medicina Biologica e Odontostomatologia (AIMBO), Società Scientifica del Chile (Latin American Academy of Biological Medicine and Odontostomatology, Chilean Scientific Society).
- Honorary member and permanent Scientific Consultant of the Accademia Venezuelana di Osteointegrazione e Implantologia Orale (Venezuelan Academy of Osteintegration and Oral Implantology).
- Founding member and Vicepresident of the International Academy for Immediate Loading (IAFIL), the first scientific society in the world dedicated to immediate loading.
- Professor in the theoretical and practical course of electrowelded implantology at the Dip. Scienze Odontostomatologiche Università G. D'Annunzio di Chieti (Department of Odontostomatological Sciences at the University G. D'Annunzio in Chieti).
- Honoured with the Gallardon "Mariano Flores" .
- Holder of several implantological patents.